Delegation's call to Turkey: Establish the rule of law in Imrali

  • actual
  • 15:52 27 January 2023
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DİYARBAKIR - The International Delegation Against Isolation called on Turkey to establish the rule of law in Imrali and not to sacrifice human rights for the sake of economic interests.
A press conference was held at the New Garden Hotel regarding the visit of 36 members of the International Delegation Against Isolation, from 7 different countries, after the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and 3 other prisoners, who were held in isolation in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, could not be heard for more than 22 months. Bünyamin Şeker, Co-chairperson of the Lawyers' Association for Freedom (ÖHD), also attended the meeting organized by the delegation, which included lawyers, journalists and academics, for the three-day visit to the city.
Speaking first at the meeting and referring to the delegation's meetings, ÖHD Co-Chair Şeker said: “After all the applications regarding the aggravated isolation on Mr. Öcalan, the international delegation paid a visit. The delegation will share what they experienced and what they witnessed during their meetings. Political, social and legal aspects of isolation were discussed. We want the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan to be lifted as soon as possible.”
Lawyer Emma Persichetti from the Rome Bar Association made a statement on behalf of the delegation. Persichetti said: "12 of the 36-person team who came to Turkey had made various contacts in Diyarbakır regarding the detention conditions in İmralı prison. We met with the Families of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar and Veysi Aktaş, who are in isolation in Imralı, Mothers of Peace, MED Families of Prisoners and Convicts and Aid and Solidarity Association (MED-TUHAD FED), Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), Rosa Women's Association, Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and other Kurdish parties' representatives and women's organizations.
The last phone call was made on March 25, 2021, as no information regarding their condition is available. As lawyers, we are also very concerned about the pressure on our colleagues, lawyers and human rights defenders who file criminal charges for doing their job. We call for an effective and thorough investigation into allegations of serious human rights violations reported to us. We call on Turkey to restore the rule of law in Imrali prison, and European countries to defend human rights and not to sacrifice human rights for the sake of geopolitical and economic interests.”