Nas: Disappointing decision for the future of the country


ISTANBUL - Stating that the decision in the Kobanê Case was political, Nesrin Nas said: "This decision is extremely disappointing for the future of Turkey." 

The decision hearing of the case filed against 108 names, including former Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ, was held the other day.   
An acquittal decision was made for 12 people, a release order was given for 5 of the 18 prisoners, the files of 72 people were separated, and many people, including Demirtaş and Yüksekdağ, were sentenced to more than 400 years in prison.
Politician-economist Nesrin Nas evaluated the decisions made in the case. Stating that the decision was not legal, Nas noted that they wanted to liquidate Kurdish politics. 
“The punishments were given with great tact. Some of them were released. Their releases were already delayed releases. When you look at those who were acquitted, why did they stay in prison for so long? This decision is extremely disappointing for Turkey's future" Nas said.
Politician-economist Nesrin Nas
Stating that the AKP applied to two cases to establish its "monist regime" and re-establish itself, Nas said that one of them was the Kobanê case and the other was the Gezi case. Nas said: "With one, the Turkish civilian democratic opposition was wanted to be silenced, and with the other, the Kurdish democratic opposition was wanted to be liquidated. These two cases are two important pillars used for the establishment of the regime. Therefore, I did not expect different decisions to come out of these cases."
Pointing out that the case in question could be used for the closure case against HDP, "Most likely, these cases will be used to support the closure case. The current regime will use all the tools at its disposal to create its own institutional structure and increase the pressure" Nas said.
Nas pointed out AKP Chair and President Erdoğan's "softening" rhetoric and said: "While we are talking about softening, arrests are made every day and, as can be seen, Kurdish politicians are given heavy penalties. He is trying to draw the opposition to his side by saying 'softening' because he lost the March 31 elections. At the same time, he is trying to draw the CHP to a line and determine the area of opposition. This is what he means by softening. Erdoğan said, 'If you do not go beyond these borders, I will allow you to become the opposition. But stay away from the Kurds.’ This shows us that it will get tougher."
Referring to the opposition's attitude towards the case, Nas said: "CHP attended the Kobanê hearing in large numbers and followed this case from start to finish, pointing out that this was clearly a case of political conspiracy. It said that it will not go within the borders drawn by Erdoğan for now. As long as it maintains this attitude, Turkey can progress towards becoming a democratic state of law. Of course, this won't be easy. It will be a very conflicting process. It shows that the opposition attaches great importance to Erdoğan's détente Project."
Stating that the decision also undermines democratic politics in the country, Nas continued: "A very difficult period awaits us. The environment will be very tense. Rights violations will continue to increase. If the 'agent of influence' law comes into force, life will become much more difficult for opponents. There is already a very severe economic crisis. The government is already living a nightmare. This will increase the pressure along with the nightmare. This process will be shaped depending on the opposition's attitude. The opposition will determine how much and how to fight."
MA / Ferdi Bayram

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