Kılıçdaroğlu: The solution to the Kurdish Question is the Parliament

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  • 13:55 20 March 2023
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ANKARA - Presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who visited HDP, stated that they will end the fight in this country and pointed to the Parliament for the solution of the Kurdish Question. HDP Co-Chairs, on the other hand, said that holding the meeting in the Parliament was to display that they were in favor of a solution to the Kurdish Question under the umbrella of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
The Presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, visited Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar. During the visit to the HDP Parliamentary Group, Kılıçdaroğlu was accompanied by CHP Group Deputy Chairperson Özgür Özel, CHP General Secretary Selin Sayek Böke and CHP Deputy Chairperson Oğuz Kaan Salıcı.
Kılıçdaroğlu was welcomed by HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar, and Party Spokesperson Ebru Günay and HDP Group Deputy Chairperson Saruhan Oluç.
After the meeting, which lasted about 50 minutes, Kılıçdaroğlu passed to the office of Buldan and Sancar in the Parliament. After a second meeting, which lasted 10 minutes, Kılıçdaroğlu held a press conference with Buldan and Sancar in the HDP Parliamentary Group room.
Stating that the solution to all problems, including the Kurdish Question, is the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Kılıçtaroğlu said: "The existence of the TGNA is due to the fact that it is a parliament that solves problems. Since its establishment, Turkey's most fundamental problems have been resolved in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. We are ready and will solve all existing problems together with the parliamentarians elected by the nation, relying on the common sense of the nation. You will see that no problem is unsolvable. The solution address of every problem is the Turkish Grand National Assembly. In other words, all these problems can be solved with the will of the nation; therefore, why is it not solved, everyone is solving their problem. Is the capacity of the TGNA not enough to solve problems? No, that's enough. The TGNA is the solution address for every problem."
Stating that the bans of Kurdish language is another sad event, Kılıçtaroğlu said: "English and French ect language can be allowed but Kurdish language is not displayed as Kurdish language. When a sentence is in Kurdish in the text of the speech, it is referred to as an unknown language. I appeal to the conscience of the people of this country. TRT has a channel called TRT Kurdish. How come you write here as an unknown language? Unknown language. Why are you writing a language that has been spoken for thousands of years as an unknown language? Now I'm asking anyone who has a conscience and morals. Double standards do not suit the state, it is not true. You will respect everyone's language. Yes, our official language is Turkish. No one has said anything. But you, as a state, cannot set up double standards. When you apply a double standard, you are dividing our citizens."
Stating that they found the visit important, HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar said: “Many issues were discussed in our meeting. Turkey is going through a period of deep crisis. The earthquake once again exposed the picture of the destruction we are in with great pain. But it is not possible to carry out politics and continue the work by ignoring these pains. We had a constructive meeting. My party believes that Turkey urgently needs a program to restore social segments and structures that have been severely damaged by the destruction. So an urgent repair program is needed and a fresh start is needed. A new beginning will only be possible by establishing a life and system based on democracy, human rights, justice and freedom. We shared our opinion on these issues. The reason why we have this meeting in the parliament is to emphasize that we see the TGNA as the solution address. As Mr. President emphasized, all of Turkey's problems should be resolved here with a broad social consensus. On the other hand, we will evaluate this meeting with our alliance forces, whose content will also convey the issues we discussed, to our boards, and we will soon make a more detailed statement to the press and the public. We thank you all.”

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