People are ready for Newroz finale in Amed

  • actual
  • 12:30 20 March 2023
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AMED - The people of Amed, who participated in every Newroz epic, stated that this year they will be in the area against war, oppression, exploitation, rent and plunder. The people of Amed said: "While we heal the wounds of the earthquake victim, we will start the election that will put the government in history."
Hosting the epic Newroz celebrations, the people of Amed stated that they will flock to the Newroz celebration dedicated to those who lost their lives in the earthquake this year. Reminding that the Newroz area is political, social, cultural and social message areas, the people of Amed said that they are preparing to start the election that will bury the government in history.
Expressing that Newroz is an ongoing resistance from Demirci Kawa, Abdullah Kuzu said: "I attend Newroz every year despite all the obstacles and welcomes this moment with excitement. We are saddened by the earthquake; however, we will still participate to display the unity of the Kurds and to display our condemnation.” 
Stating that Newroz is a rebellion against oppression and exploitation and that nature renews itself, Gıyasettin Kılıç said: “It was even more meaningful that Newroz coincided with the election. These people will put an end to their suffering for years. The people of Amed are very political and know very well how to use their preferences. We are witnesses of oppression and live in its center. We will make our own choice. I will be in the Newroz area like every year.” 
Emphasizing that he never misses a Newroz, Süleyman Kurt said: “Our pain is great, this Newroz will pass in a mood of mourning. While our people heal each other's wounds, they will celebrate Newroz. We will get through this together." Zeynep Eren also said that they will fill the Newroz area against fascism  and that they will not leave this area to respond to the persecutors.
Mehmet Demir, 74, stated that he was called "Newroz child" because he did not miss the Newroz. I will go to Newroz again against these oppressors and all of our people should participate.” Turgay Kaya, who wished for peace and freedom, said: "Our people embrace Newroz en masse and we will fall the government with an election."
Emphasizing the importance of the mass passing of Newroz, Selam Bazkurt said: “Kurds have been denied throughout history. We are not the people who will take a step back by denial, killing and throwing them into prison. The Kurds are no longer the old Kurds. It has always resisted oppression and will still resist. This Newroz will also be an election start for us.”
Abdulkadir Ertokan, on the other hand, reminded that Newroz, which is dedicated to the memory of people who lost their lives due to the earthquake, is also a place where political, social and cultural demands are expressed, and said: "While it is a message against war, it will also be a morale for earthquake victims." Serkan Subaşı also wished that "Newroz will be an election call and it should be a conduit to the unity of our carpet."
Noting that the political process is of a historical nature and that Newroz should be celebrated with an equal participation, Umut Bartan said: “Newroz is a holiday that not only symbolizes peace, but also expresses the resurrection and freedom of the Kurds. As every year, we will attend this year with my family. There will be mourning and lamentation caused by the earthquake, but everyone should attend Newroz.”

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