Call from Switzerland Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Committee: The meeting should be held

  • actual
  • 16:57 6 December 2022
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NEWS CENTER - Switzerland Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Committee expressed its concerns about the extent of the isolation in Imrali and demanded a meeting to be held.
Expressing its concerns about the life and safety of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, the Swiss Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Committee demanded an immediate meeting.
The Swiss Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Committee made a statement regarding the increasing public concern after Asrın Law Office announced that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan did not meet with the CPT.
Sharing their concern about the situation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, the committee's statement included the following statements: “A delegation formed by the CPT recently went to İmralı Island Prison to meet with Abdullah Öcalan. However, the delegation could not meet with Öcalan. Although it has been a long time since the last meeting with Abdullah Öcalan, none of the members of the delegation saw Öcalan. This is a very disturbing fact for us.
Öcalan's comrades and we are worried about Öcalan. Therefore, we request the Turkish government to immediately inform about his fate and to arrange a meeting with Öcalan immediately. More than ever, we reiterate our call for the immediate release of Abdullah Öcalan.”
The names of the members of the committee are as follows: Basel BastA Party Co-Chair Sina Deiss, Socialist Party (SP) Federal Parliament Member Laurence Fehlmann Rielle, former National Assembly Member and OSCE Commission Chairperson Margret Kiener Nellen, National Assembly member Stefanie Prezioso Batou, Oncologist and National Parliament advisor Franco Cavalli, National Political Consultant member and Council of Europe ambassador Dick Marty, Green Party MP of the Federal Parliament and Green Party Foreign Relations Officer Nicolas Walder, Swiss Democratic Kurdish Council (CDK-S) foreign relations spokesperson Ahmet Yaman and Swiss Leadership Committee Secretary Dr. Beppe Savary Borioli.

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