Rejection from YSK to the deputy of Gergerlioğlu

ISTANBUL - The AKP's objection to the Green Left Party member Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu's membership in the parliament was rejected by the YSK.
The Supreme Election Board (YSK) objected to the opposition made by the AKP members of Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who was elected as a Member of Parliament from the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) from Kocaeli, on the grounds of his prison sentence, which the Constitutional Court (AYM) decided to violate. was rejected by the Supreme Election Board (YSK).
Gergerlioğlu, announcing the YSK's decision with a statement on his Twitter account, gave the following statements: "They were disappointed again! It wasn't enough that they fell from 48 percent to 39 percent in Kocaeli, and they took a lesson from the YSK, where they ran. The YSK decided to reject the request because he has no criminal record. His absurd and ridiculous objections were dismissed. They will learn more. I'm sending a box of soda to the Ak Party Headquarters and Kocaeli provincial presidency, so that their indigestion will pass! The lessons of your right and the people are not over yet! The oppressors will lose, the people will win.”