NEWS CENTRE - HPG announced that Turkey carried out 828 attacks despite the ceasefire decision.
People's Defense Forces (Hêzên Parastina Gel-HPG) Press Centre made a statement on Turkey's attacks. According to the Fırat News Agency (Ajansa Nuçeya Fıratê (ANF), despite the PKK's ceasefire decision, Turkey's attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region continue from air and ground.
It was stated that Turkey carried out 828 attacks against the HPG. The statement said that the HPG responded to the attacks within the framework of legitimate defence.
Including the deatils of the attacks, the statement reads: "During a period when our forces were in a ceasefire position, small reconnaissance planes were lifted from Qala Saddam and Bakirman under the control of the KDP (Kurdistan Democrat Party) in the Gare region and reconnaissance activities were carried out day and night over our guerrilla areas. With the inofmation obtained from this activity, guerrilla areas are bombed. This activity, which jeopardises the security of our forces, must be stopped. If it is not stopped, we will have the right to retaliate against the places where the planes take off in order to take our own security. We declare that this is a situation that must be prevented in terms of our national interests."