RIHA - Stating that the solution of the Kurdish issue will also affect North and East Syria, İlham Mihemed from the PYD stated that they will better implement the women's liberation, democratic and ecological paradigm once the attacks stop.
Evaulating the possible effects of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's call for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue on North and East Syria, Democratic Union Party (PYD) Diplomacy Academy Member İlham Mihemed stated that the latest call is different from the previous ones. Comparing Abdullah Öcalan's call with the previous one, İlham Mihemed said, "The conditions of that time are definitely not like today. Today, the problems that have multiplied in Turkey and the Middle East have created a bottleneck. This congestion is the result of years and years of war and today change is mandatory.”
Pointing out that the position of the Kurds is different today compared to the past years, İlham Mihemed said, “Today Kurds have become a nation with a voice in the Middle East. Today, Kurds are somehow recognized. But now we have to protect this voice and recognized identity and defend the position we have reached. How can this defense be done, of course it can be done by ensuring peace, change and transformation. Change will bring with it a new project. The step taken the other day is such a big step that it makes peace essential for all rights. There is no doubt that peace prioritizes the resolution of the problems between the Turkish and Kurdish people. Because it is neither possible nor necessary for both peoples to end each other. Both peoples are ancient peoples. The lives of both peoples have a historical background. For this reason, Leader Abdullah Öcalan states that a social project must emerge and we must shoulder this call together.”
Stressing the change and transformation must include Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in İmralı for 26 years, and all social segments, İlham Mihemed reminded that the call had a great repercussion in the international arena and despite this positive atmosphere, Turkey has not yet taken any steps. Stating that Turkey must recognize Kurdish identity and give Kurds their rights back. "This of course means that it should no longer carry out the attacks it has made agianst Kurdish politics in the past. For example, the appointment of trustees and the trials against Kurdish politicians. Especially political prisoners must be released. Therefore, Turkey must play a role in th enew steps to be taken today. At this point, the Turkish state and the Turkish people themselves must accept this peace step," she said.
İlham Mihemed emphasized that there is a “self-defense based” structuring in North and East Syria, underlining that the 3rd World War necessitated this, and added, “If there is an attack against you, it is your most natural right as a human being and as a people to engage in self-defense against it. The war being waged is also being waged with special war methods. For this reason, the 3rd World War is very different from the other two world wars. Very different techniques were used in this new method of warfare.”
İlham Mihemed stated that as the peoples of the Autonomous Administration, they welcomed the call with enthusiasm, adding that they were the side most affected by the war and continued: "As a result of this war, we have achieved great rights through struggle, but today we want peace. Peace between Turkey and the PKK will also affect the people of the Autonomous Administration. Because our project, which we have been trying to realize for years, could not be fully realized becaus it was the target of attacks. Our project is a peace project, not weapon. Weapons are a means of defense for us. Not a means of existence. Of course, when there is peace, weapons will decrease. Therefore, as the peoples of the Autonomous Administration, we are waiting with hope. On the way to March 8, we will take steps as women aiming for peace and freedom with the philosophy of Leader Öcalan, who put the women's struggle in front of us. With these steps, we aim to enlarge the call. Today, after the Rojava Revolution, women have made great gains within the Autonomous Administration. We have had a presence and a say in many areas from the military to the social sphere. All this has developed with the perspective of Leader Öcalan. For this reason, as women living in this land, we know that we are the ones who should shoulder the call of Leader Öcalan first and foremost.”
MA / Ceylan Şahinli