Bar associations: Kurdish is the mother language of millions of citizens

  • actual
  • 14:20 1 August 2024
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AMED - 15 bar associations reacted to the removal of Kurdish traffic warnings and said, “This unfortunate approach is another expression of the intolerance towards the existence and language of millions of Kurds living in our country.”
15 bar associations made a joint written statement regarding the removal of the “Hêdî (Slow)” and “Pêşî Peya (Pedestrian First)” warning signs at pedestrian crossings upon the instructions of the Ministry of Interior. The statement emphasized that attacks on the Kurdish language are an indicator of intolerance towards the existence and culture of the Kurds.
The statement reminded that the Kurdish warning signs in Diyarbakır, Van, Mardin and Batman were removed by civilians under the supervision of law enforcement. The statement included the following statements: “Traffic rules, ensuring traffic order in terms of life and property safety on highways and measures to be taken in all matters concerning traffic safety is a set of rules that determines the rules. There is no legal obstacle to writing signs and texts indicating traffic rules and warnings in languages other than Turkish. Having traffic warnings and signs in the mother language of people living in a city does not undermine the purpose of the regulation. On the contrary, it effectively contributes to the desired traffic safety.
This unfortunate approach is another expression of the intolerance towards the existence and language of millions of Kurds living in our country. This attitude harms the culture of living together and social peace. As the Regional Bar Associations undersigned; we call for the abandonment of these practices that harm social peace and for an effective judicial and administrative investigation to be conducted against the persons who carry out these practices.”
Signatory bar accociations: Adıyaman Bar Association, Ağrı Bar Association, Batman Bar Association, Bingöl Bar Association, Bitlis Bar Association, Tunceli Bar Association, Diyarbakır Bar Association, Hakkari Bar Association, Kars Bar Association, Mardin Bar Association, Muş Bar Association, Siirt Bar Association, Urfa Bar Association, Şırnak Bar Association, Van Bar Association