Reactions to Kobanê Case decisions continues

NEWS CENTER - The heavy penalties given to politicians in the Kobanê Case were protested in many centers.
Human Rights Association (IHD) Izmir Branch and legal organizations made a statement in front of the courthouse in Bayraklı district regarding the sentences given in the Kobanê Case. In the statement, a banner saying "We do not recognize the decision made in the Kobanê Conspiracy Case" was opened. The crowd frequently chanted the slogan "Bijî berxwedana Kobanê". Leyla Çelik Güneş, Co-chair of the Law Association for Freedom (ÖHD) Izmir Branch, stated that all rules of authority and duty regarding public order were ignored in the case. Güneş noted that the court was established by the political power and numerous unlawful acts were committed during the trial process.
Stating that the case was aimed at suppressing the legitimate and democratic demands of the Kurds by the AKP-MHP government, Güneş said: “The policy of denial and destruction imposed on the Kurds through fraudulent trials held in the Independence Courts at the beginning of the first century of the Republic is being tried to continue with the Kobanê Conspiracy Case at the beginning of the second century of the Republic. We do not recognize the sentences given in the Kobanê Case."
The decisions were protested in front of the DEM Party building in Şirnex's (Şırnak-Kurdistan) Hezex (İdil) district. Besides Şirnex Deputy Mehmet Zeki İrmez, many people attended the statement. DEM Party District Co-Chair Adnan Bel said: "HDP, Kurdish politics, revolutionaries and democrats are wanted to be erased from the political scene by the government. But they should know very well that we, the Kurds, the workers, the poor, will defeat these dirty decisions by standing shoulder to shoulder on the field, as always. We will definitely liberate our friends one day."
After the statement, a sit-in protest was held.
Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), Contemporary Lawyers Association (ÇHD), Social Law, Lawyers' Solidarity, Lawyers for Justice and Lawyers for Democracy made a statement in front of the Ankara Courthouse.
DEM Party Law and Human Rights Commission Co-Spokesperson Öztürk Türkdoğan attended in the statement and a banner saying "Kobanê Case is a conspiracy, we do not recognize political decisions" was opened.
ÖHD Ankara Branch Co-Chair Çiğdem Kozan stated that the Kobanê Case has been continued with instructions since the beginning and the right to a fair trial was violated throughout the trial. Kozan said that the decision made against HDP politicians is not the result of a legitimate trial.
Öztürk Türkdoğan said: "HDP politicians were held responsible for the constant killing of Yasin Börü and his friends in the election squares. Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court; It found that there was no participation in a number of crimes such as killing, wounding, and damaging property, and acquitted them of all these charges. Now it is necessary to ask; You made so many slanders about this case in the election arenas. What will you say now, why are you keeping our friends in prison? All the facts are clear. Justice is necessary for everyone, always. There will come a day when justice will be needed for those in power today. Then, too, we will continue to defend justice without discrimination. This strange decision must be overturned as soon as possible and they must be free."
Lawyers who attended the statement chanted slogan, "Bijî berxwedana Kobanê (Long live resistance of Kobanê)".