First in Curnê Reş after 45 years

RIHA - The victory of the DEM Party in the Curnê Reş district reminded of 45 years ago when the municipality doors were first opened to women.
People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) broke new ground in Riha (Urfa), where it participated in the local elections. The most pleasing gain for the DEM Party was to win again in Curnê Reş after 45 years. DEM Party won the most municipalities in the Kurdish political movement, with which it had previously continued its tradition, by taking the municipalities of Curnê Reş (Hilvan), Pirsûs, Xelfetî (Halfeti), Hewag, Berecûk, Serêkaniyê and Wêranşar (Viranşehir). 
Curnê Reş is a district where the Kurdish political movement, whose tradition the DEM Party continues, has not won since 1979.
Curnê Reş has a special importance because it is the first municipality of the Kurdish political movement. In the mayoral elections held in Curnê Reş on May 6, 1979, Nadir Temel, the candidate of the Kurdish political movement, won the mayoralty by receiving the majority of the votes. Saadet Yavuz, Emine Hacıyusufoğlu and Durre Kaya, who were elected as municipal council members, presided over the municipality together with Nadir Temel. At the beginning of 1980, Temel and all council members were dismissed and district governor Taykan Ataman was appointed as trustee.
After Temel, Kurdish political movement DEM Party co-mayors Serhan Paydaş and Garip Yeşil won again in the district. The victory, which came after 45 years, filled the district residents with joy.