Amed Newroz starts with participation of hundreds of thousands

  • actual
  • 12:30 21 March 2024
  • |
AMED - Amed Newroz, attended by hundreds of thousands of people, started with a moment of silence in memory of Kemal Kurkut and those who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom and democracy.
The final Newroz is held in Amed with the motto "Rabe dema azadî û serkeftinê ye (Rise up, İts time for freedom and success)". Hundreds of thousands of people, mostly young people and women, started to fill the Newroz area in Rêzan district in the early hours of the morning. People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) flags and yellow, red and green pennants are waving from the area.
Tens of thousands of people still continue to flock to the area at 6 different entry points. As the enthusiasm in the area increased with each passing minute, the crowd stopped for the Newroz halay accompanied by music played from the stage and drums and pipes in the area.
While the flow to the area continued, four pieces from the stage celebrated the Newroz of the peoples of Kurdistan and the world in many languages. The celebrations started with a moment of silence in memory of Kemal Kurkut and those who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom and democracy.
Meanwhile, the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)" rose from the field. The intervention of the police to the sound mixer on the stage was met with reaction. DEM Party Amed Deputy Serhat Eren reacted to the police by stating that the sound mixer could not be interfered with.
Mehmet Sirin spoke on behalf of the Organizing Committee. Sirin said: "Hello Amed, hello Kurdistan." Sirin emphasized that this year's Newroz celebrations will lead to the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan.