Isolation was on the agenda at the HEDEP congress

  • actual
  • 15:43 27 November 2023
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ŞIRNEX - At the congress held by HEDEP in Silopiya district, the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan came to the fore.
People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) held its 2nd Ordinary Congress in Silopiya (Silopi) district of Şirnex. The intense participation in the congress held in the party building attracted attention.
Speaking at the congress, HEDEP MP M. Zeki İrmez based on the absolute isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. İrmez said: "We defend democratic politics. We call for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue all together; however, they respond to this call by closing our parties. We say once again that we insist on the solution of the Kurdish issue. Mr. Öcalan has been under heavy isolation for years. Mr. Öcalan has been living in four walls. He is waging a unique struggle within himself. Mr. Öcalan has never lost his hope for peace and freedom. We say that we will not give up our struggle until this isolation on Mr. Öcalan is lifted." 
Drawing attention to the hunger strikes launched today for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan in prisons, HEDEP MP Newroz Uysal Aslan said: "Despite all the pressure and threats in prisons, our prisoner friends started a strike. Their demands are Öcalan's freedom and the solution to the Kurdish people's issue. We all have a great responsibility. We all need to embrace this demand and act with this responsibility."
In the elections, Elif Oruç and Adnan Kaplan were elected as the new co-chairs. After the congress, the participants danced with the slogan "Biji Serok Apo".