Trustee confiscates Co- Mayor's house!

ŞIRNAK - The trustee appointed to Cizre Municipality to replace Co-Mayor Mehmet Zırığ, decided to expropriate the real estate of Zırığ, which is the only property of the Co-Mayor. Zırığ said: "The world is trying to fight the coronavirus and the trustee is trying to punish the people of Cizre instead."
A decision of expropriation was taken for the only real estate of Cizre Municipality Co- Mayor Mehmet Zırığ, who was dismissed from office and replaced by a trustee on October 29, 2019. The decision in question was taken by the municipality chaired by trustee Sinan Davutoğlu, who is also the District Governor.
In the expropriation decision sent to Zırığ and his uncles by the Municipal Settlement Commission, the statements of "public interest decision has been taken regarding your property in the block no. 618 parcel no 5" was said. The decision was noted to be taken by the council.
Co-mayor Zırığ, reacting to the decision, described the situation as 'enemy law'. Zırığ, stating that the trustee is trying to punish the people of Cizre while the world is fighting the virus, said: "This is a threat message. They are trying to say 'We won't let you live here'. The officials of all state institutions that have been a tool of AKP, do not refrain from any kind of aggression. Zırığ, reminding that he enounced his only property before the election to the relevant institutions, said they are so daring and reckless that they are trying to say that they will not let us live here that they can take our homes from us. Neither the people of Cizre not the Kurdish people will ever submit to you!"
Karara tepki gösteren eşbaşkan Zırığ, söz konusu durumu "düşman hukuku" olarak yorumladı. "Dünya koronavirüsle, kayyım benim şahsımda Cizre halkını cezalandırmakla uğraşıyor" diyen Zırığ, "Bu aslında 'Seni burada barındırmayacağız' mesajıdır. Bölgede AKP’lileşmiş bütün devlet kurumlarının yetkilileri her türlü saldırganlıktan geri durmuyorlar" dedi. Tek mal varlığı olan taşınmazı seçimler öncesi beyan ettiğini ve ilgili kurumlara bildirimde bulunduğunu hatırlatan Zırığ, "O kadar pervasızlaşmışlar ki adeta 'Evinizi başınıza yıkacağız' demektedirler. Bu benim şahsımda Cizre halkı ve Kürt halkına ‘Evlerinizi dahi sizlerden alacağız’ denilmek istenmesidir. Ne Cizre ne de Kürt halkı size asla boyun eğmeyecektir” diye konuştu. 
Mentioning that in order for the decision to be in favour of the society, it has to be a decision of the municipal council. The trustee is trying to make decisions on his own accord with a council dismantled. He is making decision by acclaiming the few people around him as councilors. There is no legal explanation to this act. The only properties expropriated is the property of my uncle's and mine. We will object to this decision."
MA / Müjdat Can

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