Book of chords selected pieces from last 13 years Kurdish music published

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  • 17:16 15 April 2024
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ISTANBUL- The Kurdish Guitar Repertoire book, which includes the lyrics and guitar accompaniment chords of Kurdish songs published in the last 13 years, has been published.
The Kurdish Guitar Repertoire book, which includes the lyrics of Kurdish kilams and guitar accompaniment chords, has been published. The team, which promotes the book in the press, plans to strengthen the fight against assimilation with its work. The book, which contains the lyrics and accompaniment chords of 112 songs published in the last 13 years, includes songs of various artists and groups who have contributed to Kurdish Music through their songs, regardless of their popularity level.
The book also targets people who play or try to play instruments such as guitar, piano, and ukulele. The book also includes chord demonstrations, rhythm beat diagrams, and QR links to videos showing how to play rhythms. The book, published by Ceylan Publications, can be ordered through many book sales sites, especially
Helezonik Creşendo team shared the following lines in the foreword of the book: “About 13 years ago, as a group of musicians and music educators, we prepared the Kurdish Guitar Repertoire and published this work of approximately 200 songs in 2 volumes. The preface of this study, whose PDF you can access free of charge on our website (, ended with this sentence; 'Keep your guitar on your back and the fighting spirit inside you.' In the intervening period, exploitation, war, migration, plunder and oppression have not been missing from our geography, nor have rebellion and resistance been missing. Those who pursue an equal and free world still continue to fight against the system with various tools. The cultural struggle has an important place in these struggles. Those who follow a struggle that is wanted to be destroyed, a people who want to be condemned to silence, and a language that is wanted to be abandoned to wordlessness and produce songs are an important part of this struggle. Songs can touch all emotions, maybe they cannot change the world on their own, but they affect the consciousness and emotions of those who will change the world. For this reason, one of our efforts was to find ways to deliver these songs to more people. Since we thought that the people who would benefit from the book would be people who play or learn guitar, we paid attention to the use of different rhythm patterns and tones.”
The team stated that the book could also be seen as a listening recommendation, which is why they included so many musicians.
The book contains chords for the following songs:
Egît Işık – Çîroka wê bayê
Egît Işık – Ber derê kî û kî
Anadolu Quartet – Dîjloka mın
Anadolu Quartet – Peyman jı yarê
Awazê Çîya – De pîro
Awazê Çîya – Em bernadın vê dîlanê
Aynûr Dogan – Rewend
Babetna – Dûr
Bajar – Dîyarbekır
Bajar – Sî û çar heb
Bajar – Newroz
Berfîn Aktay – Ger
Berfîn Mamedova – Koçber
Bûrhan Berken – Tenêbûn
Bûrhan Berken – Gerok
Cemîl Qoçgırî – Hîva zerî
Devrîm Demîr – Tu kî yî
Dıljen Ronî – Evîndar ım
Dr. Ahmet Kaya & M. Akbaş – Şervan
Drcan Bîngol – Kûçık hatın
Erdal Med – Payîz
Erdogan Emîr – İnsanê kamıl
Erdogan Emîr – Elkana vayı
Ferîd Sevîm – Rasthatınek
Fırat Med – Roboskî
Fîkrî Kutlay – Passîflora kurdî
Grup Munzur – Em mırov ın
Grup Vardîya – Vengê to
Gulbahar Kavcû – Dev jê berde
Harûn Elkî – Xengılok
Harûn Elkî – Rev
Harûn Elkî – Here
Hêja – Derî lê ket
Hîvron – Evîn
Hîvron – Jaro
Hunergeha Welat – Lı qamışlo lı ber derî
Hunergeha Welat – Serêkanîyê û avaşîn
Hunergeha Welat – Şervano
Jan Arslan – Xewrevîn
Jan Axîn – Zerîba
Jehrmar – Bêje
Jınma – Ez jîn ım
Kadîr Çat – Heval hatın
Kaldırım – Şodırê hardo
Kalê Badî – Noş
Kasım Taşdogan – Rê
Kasım Taşdogan – Vîna sor
Kasım Taşdogan – Reşkê
Kerem Gerdenzerî – Keça perî
Kerem Sevînç – Perperık
Kerem Sevînç – Bao
Aryen Kom – De rabın
Lawje – Werne rayê
Mavîş Guneşer – Kam sono
Mehmet Akbaş & Hanı – Berde
Mehmet Atlı – Gula dil
Mehmet Atlı – Morî Mırcan
Memet Atlı – Strana nîvçe
Mem Ararat – xaçırek
Mem Ararat – Kulîlk
Mem Ararat – Dıl dısoje
Mikaîl Aslan – Çemo vano
Mikaîl Aslan – Adırê Zerrê ma
Mikaîl Aslan – Mîraz
Mırady – Way delalê
Nızamettın Arıç & Mızgîn Tahır & Nezîr palo – Eşa rojava
Mucahîd Goker – Efo berz
Mucahîd Goker – Evdalo
Olgun Eren – Dev jê berda
Ozan Irmak – Berf
Ozan Irmak – Bîranîna Azadîyê
Pervîn Çakar – Ruhê mın teyr e
Praksîs – Azadî
Praksîs – Sînor
Paperîn – Zarokên şer
Rewşan & Tara Mamedova – Xuçê
Rewşan Çelîker – Wext lazım bû
Rohat Ciwan – Tawanbar
Rojda – Şengal
Rûken Yılmaz- Dîlbera nazık
Rûşen Alkar – Rabe
Sakîna – Ko
Semyanî Perîzade – Bıryarekî
Serdar Alaz – Esîr
Seyda perınçek & Kavîn – Awêne
Seyîdxan Sevînç – Çı hacet
Sîdar – Bêje
Sîdar Ferîd – Nîv
Sîmır Rûdan – Bırîna reş
Sîya Şevê – Tu xem nekşîne
Sîya Şevê – Gurî
Sîya Şevê – Rûpayîz
Tara Jaff – Her warek bı bılbılek
Tara Mamedova – Sîno
Teq û req – Çar zarok
Teq û req – Xewnereşk
Teşqele – Bı kîjan meqamî
Vedat Tanış – Balada şıvanekî
Xalıt Tarî – Gewrê
Xêro Abbas – Dımeşîya
Yahhya – Mahîtab
Yûnıs Das – Azadî
Yûnıs Das – Mıj û berf
Yûnûs Dîşkaya – Derman
Yûnûs Dîşkaya – Gulê
Yûnûs dîşkaya – Lı çı dıgerî
Ye tıje- Cemîla mın
Ze tıje – Bıhuyê
Ze tıje – Warway
Abbas Ahmed – Mesele ne eva
Hogır Fatıh rasul – Ser kız nakem
jan Axîn – Kul û kulîlk

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