'We will rebuild ourselves and our cities'

QERS - DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları, who was welcomed with applause, shouts and victory signs in Bazarcıx and Digor, stated that they would send the trustees and take over the municipalities and said: "We will rebuild ourselves and our city in a democratic and transparent way."
People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları opened her party's offices in Bazarcıx (Dağpınar) and Digor. Hatimoğulları, who first came to Bazarcıx Town, was welcomed by the people at the entrance of the town. Hatimoğulları, who reached the office opening area accompanied by songs and victory signs, were greeted by women with applause, chants and victory signs. Hatimoğulları hugged the women and children one by one at the office opening. DEM Party Assembly Group Deputy Chair Gülüstan Kılıç Koçyiğit, Îdir Deputy Yılmaz Hun, Qers Mayor candidate Arzu Savaş Derman and Kenan Karahancı also attended the opening. 
Hatimoğulları said: “We will govern together with you, our valuable people, young people and women. Our municipal councils will be open and transparent. Everyone will come to our city council and watch our meeting. Our parliament will determine our fate together with our people. We will make decisions together. DEM Party is the hope of women and young people. DEM Party is the party of those who say 'Jin Jîyan Azadî'. We haven't entered the house here, we haven't knocked on the door, we haven't shaken the hand, we won't let go. We will especially go to homes and families that have not voted for us yet. We must explain why the Kurds should protect themselves, why they should not vote for another party, why the Kurds should not vote for the AKP, one by one. We must explain why we will not vote for those who murdered us in Rojava, those who murdered us in Roboski, and those who murdered us in Digor."
The people of the town accompanied Hatimoğulları and the party members to the entrance of the town and sent them off with signs of victory. Hatimoğulları later passed to Digor. Hatimoğulları, who was welcomed at the entrance of the district, attended the public meeting. District mayor candidates Ulker Ozaditti and Adem Oyman also attended the meeting. 
Speaking here, Hatimoğulları drew attention to the Digor massacre and said that they would not allow such a massacre again. Hatimoğulları said: “We did not give up, we will not give up. We haven't forgotten, we won't forget. Greetings to those who went before us, greetings to those who devoted themselves to the people. Greetings to those who resist for tomorrow, greetings to all our people. Here, we would like to extend our greetings to those who are currently in prison and on hunger strikes and are resisting for the abolishing of the Imralı isolation to solve the Kurdish issue through peaceful and democratic methods. Greetings to the mothers at the Justice Watch."
Emphasizing that AKP usurped the municipalities, Hatimoğulları said: “The first thing those who thought they took over with a coup mentality did was to remove the Kurdish signs. It was to eliminate the bilingual service. They removed Ahmedi Xani's name from the signs and streets. Will we let them pass? They are misogynists. With their hostile policy towards our co-mayor and co-representation system, the trustees closed down our women's directorates and departments in all our municipalities on the first day they came into power. Or they appointed men to those who did not close. They tried to stage a coup. Will we, as the DEM Party, allow them to pass? No. On March 31, with the work of our valued people, we will take over our municipalities. We will say stop to the mentality that leaves Digor without water, pavement, roads and infrastructure. With our own hands, together with you, our valuable people, we will build our roads, pavements, and a clean city that every person deserves." 
Hatimoğulları continued as follows: “We, as the DEM Party, will come against this ruling mentality that sees even this right as too much for us. We will solve any problems in each neighbourhood, one by one, with a joint meeting with the residents of that neighbourhood. We will reopen our women's institutions, which they closed in many parts of Kurdistan. The first thing we will do - let women hear it - will be to activate women's departments. What we will do is to re-establish the first women's counselling centres and open workshops for women to gain a profession. By cooperating the livestock farming here, we will turn the animal products here into a valuable return."
Stating that they will provide bilingual services in Digor Municipality, Hatimoğulları continued her words as follows: “Kurdish is not a banned language. Will we show the red card to the mentality that is hostile to Kurdish and eliminate it? We will put our own budget at the service of the people in the best possible way against these thieves and those who pocket what is the right of the citizens in the municipality and the right of people from Digor. Our City Council meetings will be open to the public. The people will come and govern themselves. We promise this; We will also ignore those who do not recognize the right to life in Kurds, who ignore the Kurds and those who ignore the peoples and beliefs in the March 31 elections. DEM Party will come and go. DEM Party will come, peace, democracy and equality will come. We will come with the slogan Jin, Jîyan, Azadî against those who want to erase women's names from this country. We will rebuild ourselves and our city in a democratic and transparent way. Together, we will say stop to trusteeist mentalities and these rulingist mentalities that rig elections. We will do this for those we lost in Rojava."

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