DEM Party in many cities

  • actual
  • 19:05 19 February 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Thousands of people attended the DEM Party's candidate reception and office openings in Wan, Riha and Istanbul. The message given in the enthusiastic programs was to "send the trustees".
The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) opened election offices in many centres today within the scope of the 31 March local election activities and organized welcoming events for the co-chair candidates. Thousands of people attended the office openings.
The first election office was opened in Wan's Erdiş (Erciş) district. Hundreds of people gathered at the entrance of the city and danced. The crowd, including the co-chair candidates, toured the district with a long convoy of vehicles. The surrounding citizens welcomed the candidates with applause and victory signs. Thousands of people gathered where the office was located.
Addressing the crowd, Erdîş Municipality Co-chair candidate Güler Temel said that trustees were appointed to the municipalities they won for "fake" reasons. Co-chair candidate, Baran Bilici, emphasized that they would win the elections by a large margin. 
Wan Metropolitan Municipality Co-chair candidate Abdullah Zeydan stated that they will send trustees and said: “Our people always protect their party and their will. There has been an unlawful and immoral isolation on the Leader of the Kurds for 3 years. We condemn this isolation. Society's need is peace. We experienced this. When the isolation on Mr. Ocalan is abolished, there is hope for peace."
DEM Party Deputy Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit said: “AKP must know well that these lands are Kurdistan lands."
After the speeches, Mothers for Peace and municipal co-chair candidates opened the office with great enthusiasm. 
DEM Party Riha (Urfa) Provincial Organization welcomed the municipal co-chair candidates in a mass manner. Co-chair candidates who attended the candidate introduction meeting held in Ankara yesterday returned to the city. The candidates, who were welcomed by a convoy of hundreds of vehicles at the entrance of the city, toured the city centre. Before the city tour, the candidates greeted the public in an area in the Badilli District of the central Karaköprü district. City deputies Ömer Öcalan, Mithat Sancar and Dilan Kunt Ayan, as well as members of the Peace Mothers Assembly, representatives of democratic mass organizations and many citizens attended the welcome. The event started with a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy.
Speaking after the DEM Party and DBP provincial co-chairs greeted the crowd, DEM Party Deputy Mithat Sancar stated that the Freedom March is continuing and said: "Riha will demonstrate it will for a democratic solution in the local elections in the strongest way. We will bring an exemplary local government approach to the whole of Turkey. A democratic municipality approach. We are coming to Riha to win."
DEM Party Istanbul Municipality co-chair candidates Meral Danış Beştaş and Murat Çepni were given a mass welcome in Sancaktepe district. DEM Party Istanbul Provincial Co-Chair Gonca Yangöz and district organizations, Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Co-Chair Özlen Gümüştaş, non-governmental organizations, human rights defenders and many citizens attended the event, which was dominated by great enthusiasm.
Hours before the welcome, hundreds of people danced to the accompaniment of applause, chants and DEM Party's election songs. DEM Party flags were waved in the halay led by women, accompanied by the slogan "Jin, Jîyan Azadî".
The crowd welcomed Danış Beştaş and Çepni with applause, chants and flowers and frequently chanted the slogan "Jin Jîyan Azadî".
Later, the mass passed through the Arnavutköy district in convoys, applauding, chanting and waving the DEM Party flags. 
DEM Party Wêranşar (Viranşehir) District Organization welcomed the municipal co-chair candidates. The co-chairs, who were welcomed by hundreds of vehicles in an area at the entrance of the district, organized a vehicle convoy in the district centre. While citizens supported the DEM Party candidates with victory signs and chants from the windows and balconies of their houses and in the streets where the convoy passed, young children ran after the convoy for a long time. The convoy event ended in front of the DEM Party District Organization.
DEM Party and DBP District co-chairs greeted the crowd gathered here. Addressing the audience, DEM Party Riha Deputy Mithat Sancar noted that the people of Wêranşar have made their decision today and will take back their municipality.
The event ended with the slogans "Bijî Berxwedana Zîndana".
DEM Party's election office was opened in Hêne district of Amed (Diyarbakır). The people welcomed the party members who entered the district with a convoy with a victory sign. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Amed Provincial Co-Chair Mehmet Şirin Gürbüz, DEM Party Amed Metropolitan Municipality Co-Chair candidate Serra Bucak, Doğan Hatun and Amed Deputy Adalet Kaya also attended the opening.
Here the people stood aunt for minutes. Then, making a short speech, DBP Amed Provincial Co-chair Mehmet Şirin Gürbüz said: "We will take back our municipalities by destroying all obstacles."
DEM Party opened its election office in the Kerboran (Dargeçit) district of Mêrdîn with great enthusiasm.
While the city was toured by vehicles before the opening, many citizens gathered in the city square and marched to inaugurate the election office. Throughout the march, citizens around supported the municipality co-chair candidates with applause and victory signs.
DEM Party Mêrdîn Deputy Kamuran Tanhan, DEM Party and DBP Mardin provincial co-chairs, Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Co-chair candidates Ahmet Türk and Devrim Demir, DEM Party Dargeçit Municipality Co-chair candidates Asya Gezer and Ramazan Akın and many citizens attended the opening of the election office.
The election office was opened by Mothers for Peace and DEM Party Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Co-Chair Candidate Ahmet Türk.
After the speeches, halay dances were performed.

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