18 arrests in 3 cities 2024-05-18 12:03:19   İZMİR - 18 of those detained in İzmir, Istanbul and Manisa were arrested.   16 people who were detained during the house raids in Izmir on May 15 were referred to the courthouse yesterday after police interrogations. 16 people, including members of the Social Freedom Party (TÖP), Turkish Workers' Party (TİP), Socialist Struggle Initiative, New Democrat Youth and Community Centers, were arrested. 16 people were accused of "opposing the law on demonstrations and marches" and "resisting to prevent them from performing their duties" on the grounds that they participated in the protests against the usurpation of will in Wan.   The prosecutor decided to release Erkan Gökber on condition of judicial control and to refer 15 people to the court with a request for arrest. Among the names referred with a request for arrest, Arda Duvarcı, Azat Kunur, Nazif Çakır, Nilüfer Yıldız, Samet Sağnıç, Serdar Aktürk, Selman Yağmağan, Sezgin Zevkibol and Serhat Çukurçam were arrested on allegations of "opposition to the law on demonstrations and marches" and "resisting to prevent them from doing their duty". Tuğçe Kızıldemir, Elif Yerlikaya, Berfin Büyükertaş, Mehmet Kasar, Sedanur Parmaksız and Sude Timagur were released on condition of judicial control.   'REVOLUTIONARY PRISONERS ARE OUR HONOR'   After the decision, political parties and non-governmental organizations made a statement in front of the courthouse. While the banner "Supporting the will of Van is not a crime. Detentions, arrests and pressures cannot intimidate us" was opened, slogans such as "Shoulder to shoulder against fascism" and "Revolutionary prisoners are our honor" were chanted. Tuğçe Kızıldemir, one of those released, stated that they went on a hunger strike during detention and that one of their friends was subjected to a strip search. Kızıldemir said: "Revolutionaries were harassed and tortured in such an open manner. Our friends were arrested. On April 2, we gave voice to the people of Van from Izmir and although we were attacked by the police, our friends were arrested. We embrace the will and resistance of the people of Van. You cannot wear down the victory of the people of Van with arrests. Revolutionary prisoners are our honor."   'THE IMAGES HAVE NOT BEEN WATCHED'   Lawyer Sena Yazıbağlı said: "These detentions have reached a level that can be taught in law courses. We saw that the footage in the file was not watched and we recorded it. When we watched those footage, we saw that our clients were blockaded without any warning. Therefore, we said that the real unlawfulness was here. 2 police officers filed a complaint about resisting the police. One of them was in a condition that could be resolved with simple medical intervention, and the other was claimed to have a broken finger. However, there was no footage of this, we are aware that the decisions made here were political."    3 ARRESTS IN MANISA   8 people who were detained in Turgutlu district of Manisa on May 16 were referred to the courthouse yesterday after giving their statements to the police. 8 people were accused of "making propaganda for a terrorist organization" because they played the Kurdish song "Beritan" from the election vehicle during the local election period. 8 people were referred to the court with a request for arrest. The Criminal Judgeship of Peace issued an arrest warrant for Hayri Söylemez, Işık Söylemez and Ahmet Akan. 5 people were released on condition of judicial control.   ISTANBUL   During the house raids carried out in Istanbul on May 15, 20 people, including Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Party Council Member Ünal Yusufoğlu, Marmara Detainees and Convict Families and Solidarity Association (MATUHAYDER) executives and many party members, were detained. 20 people were detained on the grounds of "taking part in the political sphere of the organization". Following the interrogation of the 20 people taken into custody by the prosecutor's office at the Istanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan, 10 people were released on the condition of judicial control.   6 PEOPLE WERE ARRESTED   10 people were referred to the Criminal Court of Peace with a request for arrest. While 6 of the 10 people who were referred to the Criminal Court of Peace with a request for arrest were arrested, 4 people were released on "judicial control condition". The names of those arrested are as follows: Alamettin Demir, Çetin Demir, Fikri Baş, Filiz Aydın, İbrahim Elban, Yaşar Gökdemir.