It reveals that the child who was said to have committed suicide 19 years ago was murdered 2024-02-26 16:15:56 NEWS CENTER - It was revealed that 9-year-old Cansu Siler, who was said to have committed suicide 19 years ago in Sivrihisar district, was murdered by her father Mehmet Siler. It was stated that 9-year-old Cansu Siler, who was found dead in suspicious circumstances in Eskişehir's Sivrihisar district in 2005, committed suicide. The file, which was closed on the grounds that it was "suicide", was reopened after new evidence was found. The gendarmerie took the family's statement based on new evidence. Father Mehmet Siler, who gave contradictory statements, was taken into custody. Mehmet Siler, who was accused of killing his daughter and making it look like suicide, was sent to the courthouse after being processed by the gendarmerie. After being interrogated by the prosecutor's office, Siler was arrested by the Criminal Court of Peace on the charge of "deliberate murder" and sent to prison.