DTK: ECHR verdict is a follow up of an international conspiricy 2018-09-28 16:31:54   DİYARBAKIR - DTK reacted to the adverse verdict ECHR passed for Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of PKK saying “This is the concrete expression of the follow up of the international conspiricy."   Demokratic Society Assambly (DTK) had made a written statment about the Europe Human Rights Court’s (ECHR) adverse verdict about the maltreatment and torture against PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) leader Abdullah Öcalan who is currently in İmralı Prison.   They said “This is an isolation and disregardation policy for all the kurdish people in the person of Mr. Öcalan. The statement indicating that ,that is the concrete expression of the follow up of the international conspiricy, said “This is alsa a follow up on the policy of denial and annihilation conducted against Kurdish people. DTK called upon national and international public opinion saying that this verdict is internationally illegitimate."