Justice Watch against isolation

  • actual
  • 15:41 4 December 2023
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NEWS CENTER - TUAY-DER and Çukurova TUHAY-DER started a Justice Watch in Amed against the İmralı isolation. MED TUHAD-FED CoChair Kerem Canpolat called on the public to "let's be a voice" for the prisoners on hunger strike with the same demand.
It is on the 8th day of the rotating hunger strike action launched in prisons to demand the end of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, and to ensure his physical freedom. Association for Assistance with Families of Prisoners (TUAY-DER), Çukurova Association for Assistance with Families of Prisoners and Convicts (Çukurova TUHAY-DER) Mersin and Adana branches started a "Justice Watch" in solidarity with the prisoners in action. The statement was made in Amed(Diyarbakır), Mersin and Adana for the Justice Watch.
Condemning the police who prevented them from making a statement in front of the association building, MED TUHAD-FED CoChair Kerem Canpolat said that they would keep watch wherever the TUHAD-FED association is located. Canpolat said: "We all live in isolation. Today's policy shows that."
Drawing attention that there has been no news from PKK Leader Öcalan for more than 33 months, Canpolat said: "Prisoners in prisons started a hunger strike action to make the public outside have more voice against the isolation. We want to be the voice, heart and eyes of the prisoners with the watch we will hold here. We want the public opinion to be sensitive to this. Hunger strikes should be a voice for all the prisoners before they reach a more dangerous stage. We see the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan as the reason for all the blockages. To overcome this, Abdullah Öcalan needs to meet with his lawyers, his family and the public. We know that this will lead to an improvement in economic, political and psychological terms. Mr. Abdullah Öcalan's words are valued by the public. He said, 'I can stop the war in Turkey in a week.' This is a very valuable promise. This should be allowed. We will keep a 3-day watch with our institutions and political parties."
After the statement, slogans such as "Bijî berxwedana İmraliyê(Long live the resistance of Abdullah Öcalan)" and "Bijî berxwedana zindanan(Long live the resistance of prisoners)" were shouted.