Prisoner on hunger strike attacked

  • actual
  • 12:33 4 December 2023
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ANKARA - Fatma Karaoğlan, the sister of prisoner Hüseyin Karaoğlan who continues his hunger strike against the transfers, said: "When my mother went to visit him, my brother could not stand, he had bruises everywhere."
Hüseyin Karaoğlan, who is held in solitary confinement in Sincan No. 1 High Security Closed Prison, has been on an indefinite hunger strike since September 11. Karaoğlan wants transfers to be stopped, prisoners to be transferred to prisons close to their families, disciplinary penalties to be abolished, conditional releases to be implemented and type S, R, Y prisons to be closed.
Fatma Karaoğlan, the older sister of Karaoğlan, who has been detained since 2016, stated that the applications regarding the demands were not responded to. Karaoğlan said that she also applied to the Presidential Communication Center (CİMER) and members of parliament, but no response was received.
Stating that his brother was beaten and taken to the cell on the way back from the air conditioning on the 80th day of his hunger strike, Karaoğlan said: “My brother was attacked during this time. When my mother went to the meeting, she saw that there were bruises everywhere. He came to the meeting with a chair."
In their last phone conversation, Karaoğlan said: "Hüseyin said; 'When I open my arms, I either hit the wall or the bunk bed.' The prison blocked our numbers. They don't answer our numbers. We call from other numbers, say we are Hüseyin's family, and then they don't answer that number either."
Stating that the letters sent to his brother were not given and that the letters he sent did not reach their owners, Karaoğlan said: “Friend's visit is not accepted. Their letters did not reach us. When he received no response, he went on a hunger strike. He wants to be transferred to a prison for political prisoners. He only goes out for air for one hour a day. On November 28, they were tortured and sent to another cell. He asks for referral, but instead of referral, they take him to someone he doesn't want. My mother went on a non-contact visit. His back and wrists became bruised and he could not stand. He made a comment in the chair. He is emaciated, bruised all over. The referral request is still valid. If they continue to keep me in this cell, I will cut off water and sugar."
Stating that he is worried about his brother's health condition, Karaoğlan said: “My mother meets with the first principal after the meeting. The manager said that there was nothing they could do and go wherever we wanted and complained.  Whoever and whatever they trust. We know that they attacked in front of the cameras. We will file a criminal complaint against the prison administration and the guards who carried out the attack."