'Freedom March' call from Peace Mothers

  • actual
  • 15:22 14 November 2023
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AMED - Members of the Peace Mothers Council called on all segments of society to join the "Freedom March" in Gemlik to end the conflicts.
A "Freedom March" will be held in Gemlik on November 18 for the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the solution of the Kurdish issue. Calling for the march, members of the Amed Peace Mothers Council asked everyone to join the Freedom March to end the war.
Stating that there was a heavy isolation on Abdullah Öcalan and that there was no news from him for 2 and a half years, and that they would march to Gemlik to break the isolation and demand Öcalan's freedom, Müşeher Ülker, one of the mothers said: "Our march was for unity, solidarity and peace. No matter what, people should demand the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan, who is confined to four walls and from which no news is heard. The key to bringing unity and peace among the Kurds lies in Imrali. We want this key. We will bring freedom, peace and democracy with the key."
Stating that the mothers' tears should be ended, Ülker said: "Enough is enough, we want Abdullah Öcalan's freedom. We call everyone to Gemlik for peace, freedom and the opening of the prison doors."
Drawing attention that the Middle East is under isolation today, Mother of Peace Hayriye Zuğurli said: “Turkey is also included in this. As mothers, we do not want Turkish and Kurdish mothers to cry. Unfortunately, Kurdish mothers cry all the time. We want this war to end now."
Inviting all mothers to the Freedom March to end the tears of mothers, Zuğurli said: "If all Kurdish mothers come to the Gemlik road, maybe we will lift the isolation. An honorable peace will come to Kurdistan and everywhere else. This war is the war of the powers, not the people. While the Kurds are in isolation, the Turks are also in isolation. It is under isolation. We want peace, enough is enough, let's lift this isolation."
Stating that they want peace for all Kurdish and Turkish peoples, Mother of Peace Meryem said:"We want the isolation to be lifted. We invite everyone to the Gemlik march to release all the prisoners in prison."