Bakırhan: The Supreme Court's decision is a coup attempt, the Parliament should take a stance

  • actual
  • 15:44 9 November 2023
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ANKARA - Stating that the Supreme Court rebelled against the Constitution, HEDEP Co-chairperon Tuncer Bakırhan said: "We call on the Parliament and the Presidency to take a stance against the coup attempt."
Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Co-Chairperson Tuncer Bakırhan made a statement after the Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting held at HDP Headquarters regarding the Supreme Court's failure to recognize the Constitutional Court's Can Atalay decision and filing a criminal complaint against the Constitutional Court members.
Describing the decision of the Supreme Court as a "coup attempt", Bakırhan said: "Our Central Executive Board held a discussion about the necessity of ending these coups in our country where the mechanics of coups operate. I would like to share with you our thoughts on this issue as a result of the discussions in both the Parliamentary Group and our Central Executive Board. Türkiye is going through a period in the history of law and politics where the coup mechanics are most alive. In this period when the Constitution was suspended by the AKP-MHP alliance, we are faced with the fact that there is a staffing in the judiciary that has never been seen in history and the unity of forces is essential. After 2015, we are experiencing a step-by-step process of deconstitutionalization." 
Drawing attention Article 153 of the Constitution, Bakırhan said: “Despite this, the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals sees itself above the Constitutional Court (AYM), the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the people of Turkey, which is a clear indication of its aim to carry out a political coup by the judiciary. The fact that the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals and the Office of the Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals filed a criminal complaint against the members of the Constitutional Court and threatened the members of the court is a new coup attempt within the authoritarianism that produces coup mechanics in Turkey, which has turned into a de facto state of emergency regime since April 2015."
Throughout our political tradition, from HEP to HEDEP, we have been the closest witnesses and victims of the coup mechanics and the political coups of the judiciary. We know this coupist mentality very well. We also know that this mentality will only be defeated with the strong and united struggle of the political and social opposition that favors democracy, human rights and peace. The antidote to the coup is more democracy, more justice and freedom. The Constitutional Court's Can Atalay decision should be implemented immediately. All our political prisoner comrades in prisons should be released immediately.
Let's all put an end to the political coups of the judiciary, unlawfulness and institutional decay. Let's reconsider the legal system, Constitution and laws together and establish justice, democracy and peace in this country. We reiterate our call to democratize the republic and save it from coupist mentalities forever. We call on the Parliament and the Presidency to take a stance against this coup attempt."