The budget have a 6 billion liras of depicit 2018-10-15 14:44:01   NEWS DESK- According to the statement of the Ministry of Finance and treasure , the budget of centralized management have a 6 billion Liras of depicit in September and a total depicit of 56.7 billion between January to September.   Minisrty of Finance and Treasure have published the budget application results of September, and the period of January to September. According to the report, budget revenue increased by %27,4 and became 61.1 billion liras and budget expenditure have increased by 23.3 and became 67 billion liras in september.   Budget revenues of January to September have increased by 19,8 and became 546,8 billion liras and budget expenditures have increased by 23,6 and became 603,5 billion liras. Therefore the centralized management budget had a depicit of 6 billion liras in September, and 56.7 billion liras during Januray to September.    According to the published numbers, while there was 2 billion Liras of noninterest surplus in centralized budget in September 2017, in September 2018 the noninterest surplus was 4.3 billion Liras.