New footage of forest slaughter in Gabar 2024-11-26 09:18:03 ŞIRNEX - New images of the forest slaughter in the Gabar Mountain region have emerged. Trees have been cut down in many regions in rural Şirnex (Şırnak) for years on the grounds of "security". In Gabar Mountain, which is one of the places where destruction of nature is experienced, forest areas have been destroyed for 3 years without interruption. New footage of the forest slaughter in the areas forbidden to civilians have emerged. In the new footage taken in Biyavê area, it is seen that the cut trees are loaded onto lorries and transported to different points.   Rangers are the main ones who cut down the trees in question. The wood obtained from the felling carried out under the supervision of the military is collected at some points on the main roads. It is then sold to woodcutters in different cities.