Impunity policies increase abuse 2025-02-27 09:51:13 ŞIRNEX - Drawing attention to the prostitution organised by soldiers in Şirnex, Berivan Kutlu from TJA said, "The people who are supposed to protect us are spreading immorality in the society", lawyer Suzan Karagol said, "The policy of impunity leads to an increase in child abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment crimes". The prostitution gang that emerged in Şirnex (Şırnak) after 11 years revealed the special war policies carried out by the state in the city with all its nakedness. The 124-page indictment prepared after 11 years with documents, records, tapes and physical surveillance, revealed the prostitution network woven with non-commissioned officers, specialised sergeants and women brought from outside the city. The indictment also included the fact that the soldiers in high ranks used their influence to ensure that the prostituted women passed through the checkpoints without any problems.   In Botan, where the state has been implementing special war policies for years, the files prepared as a result of rapes committed by soldiers, police and village guards have either been dragged out with the policy of impunity or covered up in some way.   Berivan Kutlu, member of Free Women Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) and Suzan Karagol, member of Şirnex Bar Association Women and Child Rights Commission, made evaluations on the special war and impunity policies implemented in Şirnex and its districts.   Berivan Kutlu stated that the state has been systematically implementing a special war policy in Botan for years and said that the state wants to achieve results with this. Berivan Kutlu said, "Botan is the home of humanity. Because of this, a very subtle and deep special war policy is being implemented. Because Botan is the region that keeps its cultural and social values alive the most. When you remove a society from its own values and land, it is easy to destroy it. That is why they are conducting a special war policy especially in Botan. Very heavy attacks, very heavy psychological and physical wars were waged, but the people, women and youth of Botan did not back down. Now they want to get results with other policies. Serious plans have been made on Botan. After reaching out to our social values, they tried to enter our minds and hearts. Because they have never succeeded in any physical genocide they have ever committed. We have emerged stronger from every pain we have experienced. Therefore, the issue is not only a matter of political parties. We should all protect our neighbourhoods and streets. We should not give up our social culture and morality."   'THOSE WHO ARE SAID TO BE PROTECTING US...'   Stating that the justice and legal system in Turkey is rotting, Berivan Kutlu drew attention to the fact that special war policies are carried out by the "law enforcement" force. Pointing out that those who "protect" society are the ones who cause the most harm to society, Berivan Kutlu said, "Those who are called 'protecting us' spread immorality in society. This is not an ordinary matter, it is a deliberate act. It is put into practice especially through the Kurdish people, women and youth."   Reminding that the special war policies in the region were turned a blind eye, Berivan Kutlu said, "They brought people from outside with their specialised sergeants and assimilated Botan youth. The purpose of bringing foreign women from outside is clear. They are again getting young people into drugs. After 2010, this orientation started. Firstly, the 'security' officers sent here are specially selected. In a file with so many names, not a single person is being held in pre-trial detention. Drugs come to Şirnex, are sold and smoked. However, there is no intervention by the state. Those who did this are protected." Berivan Kutlu called on women's organisations to embrace this case and fight for the perpetrators to be punished in the harshest way possible.   'ACCUSED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IS NOT TAKEN INTO CUSTODY'   Referring to the policy of impunity, Suzan Karagol said, "The state, which continues to fail to fulfil its responsibilities, turns this into a policy. The policy of impunity is the severe and systematic violations of rights by actors created or condoned by the state itself or as a result of the lack of supervision of the state and its institutions. The policy of impunity carried out by the state has two most common reflections in the judicial field; these are criminal files in which the law enforcement unit is tried as the perpetrator, and the second reflection is femicides. Failure to apply the law with an approach that takes into account gender equality is the main deficiency of the current penal system. On the other hand, violence against women, as emphasised in the Istanbul Convention, requires a holistic approach."   Suzan Karagol stated that the fact that the perpetrators are tried without arrest gives legitimacy to the crime committed, and said, "When a violation of rights occurs, preparatory investigations are carried out by public prosecutors against the suspect who is a member of the law enforcement unit, the police or gendarmerie who use weapons. When a lawsuit is filed, the defendant is exempted from the hearing and no suspension or dismissal is applied. This causes law enforcement officers suspected of a crime to be tried without being suspended or dismissed."   'THE POLICY OF IMPUNITY INCREASES CRIMES AND CRIMINALS'   Pointing out that only those who have relations with the ruling parties have access to justice, Suzan Karagol said that more women are subjected to violence and murdered as a result of the impunity policy. Suzan Karagol added, "The result of the wrong policies and attacks is that more women are subjected to violence, murdered and more children are abused. The impunity policy carried out by the judiciary has led to an increase in crimes such as child abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, crimes against public morality, drug and stimulant offences from past to present. It also enables the perpetrator to commit the same offence more than once. The interpretation of unjust provocation discount and good behaviour discount in favour of male perpetrators, which are necessary norms in law but applied in a wrong and sexist way, and most importantly, the pardon of perpetrators of crimes committed against women and children with secret amnesties under the name of execution change are among the most important reasons for the escalation in femicides."   TOMORROW: Scandalous "prostitution" response from the Ministry of Interior   MA / Zeynep Durgut