Eyes and ears of Federated Kurdistan Region on İmralı 2025-02-20 10:59:04 HEWLÊR - While everyone in the Federated Kurdistan Region is focussing on the message from İmralı, a former peshmerga's question "Will we be able to see Serok (Leader) after 26 years?" shows the impact that a video message from Abdullah Öcalan will have.  The İmralı Delegation of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party met with many names in the Federated Kurdistan Region between 16-19 February. Limited information about the visits of the delegation was shared with the public. It was announced that the greetings and messages sent by PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan to the party representatives were conveyed, and that national unity and the future of North and East Syria and the protection of its gains were on the agenda. It was also emphasised that the party representatives fully support the process Abdullah Öcalan wants to develop for the solution of the Kurdish issue.    However, neither the delegation nor the interviewees made any statement on the details of the messages that the public was curious about. It is not known at what point the names the delegation met will contribute to the process, what role and mission they will assume. The situation is expected to be clarified in the coming days, after the messages are conveyed to Abdullah Öcalan.    Together with Melek Avcı from JINNEWS, we accompanied the delegation during the intensive and exhausting traffic that continued for 4 days. The delegation crossed into the Federated Kurdistan Region on 15 February and was welcomed with a high level protocol. Both at the Habur Border Gate and Halil Ibrahim Border Gate, there was an effort not to keep the delegation waiting. The delegation arrived in Hewlêr (Erbil) under intense security measures and started its visits the next day.    MEDIA INSTITUTIONS, EXCEPT TURKEY!   From the first day to the last day of the visit, there was an intense interest in the delegation. It was possible to see this interest from the people who welcomed the delegation to the drivers of the vehicles, from the staff of the hotel where the delegation stayed to the people who came to visit them. The interest was not limited to this; both the press in the Federated Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi press showed great interest. In addition, agencies and televisions from the international press also followed the delegation. Journalists from more than 70 agencies, TV channels and websites followed the delegation with intense interest from the first day to the last day.  During the meetings between Massoud Barzani and Bafel Talabani and Qubat Talabani, journalists were not allowed to take photographs and images inside. During the meeting with Masrour Barzani, it was noteworthy that there were no press personnel either inside or outside. Photographs and footage of all these meetings were provided by their press offices.    Press organizations tried very hard to extend their microphones during all the statements. Another striking point was the absence of microphones belonging to any agency television or website from Turkey. It is not known whether this was a conscious choice or there was a different reason. Only a team from Anadolu Agency (AA) followed the statement made after Nechirvan Barzani's visit.   JOURNALISTS' CURIOUSITY   Both the people we came into contact with and the interst shown by the press was an indication of the interest in the process that has not even been named yet. All the journalists we had the opportunity to chat with were curious about what messages PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan had sent. Again, where the new process will evolve, what kind of message will come from Abdullah Öcalan, whether the PKK will lay down its arms or not, what will be the reflection of a possible statement and call on the region were among the questions constantly asked.   Undoubtedly, journalists were not he only ones curious about these issues. Similar questions were on the mings and tongues of everyone we spoke. Due to the intense security and visit traffic, we had the cance to contact a limited number of people. Hotel employees, names in the protocol welcoming the delegation, names who came to visit, citizend we came across in some programmes...   The fact that the delegation's "reticence" on the questions that were being asked continued here as well, naturally turned the arrows towards us, who were closely following the delegation. We tried to answer the questions based on the information we had reported. While many questions continued to be asked, we also had the opportunity to ask the interviewees about the thoughts of the citizens and structures in the Federated Kurdistan Region on the new process. The answers we received were summarised as follows:   *We want a lasting solution and peace.   *The attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region have made the people fed up.   *Kurds should obtain their rights in all parts, especially in North and East Syria.   *We want our problems with all countries in the region to disappear and we want to live in peace.   *We fully support the process led by Abdullah Öcalan and Öcalan must be physically free.   *A lasting peace and solution in Turkey is important for the future of all Kurds and the peoples of the Middle East. This situation will benefit all peoples.   *If there is a solution and peace, if the problems with neighbouring countries disappear, this situation will contribute positively to the economic and political crises in the Federated Kurdistan Region.   'WILL WE BE ABLE TO SEE SEROK?'   Of course, it is possible to say that not only the new process, solution and peace issues, but also the video message from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan has created great excitement. Many people we intervewed expressed their curiosity as to when the image of Abdullah Öcalan, whose only a few photographs have been publcised for 26 years, would be released. Likewise, one of the people who is a former peshmerga and who is in frequent contact with the delegation first asked us "Will we be able to see Serok (Leader-Abdullah Öcalan) after 26 years?".   Business circles are also very hopeful about the solution and peace discussions. The business circles, which are taking firm steps towards turning Hewlêr into Dubai with 40-50 storey buildings and luxury shopping malls and villas, are keeping their eyes and ears on the message coming from İmralı. Stating that they are more hopeful this time compared to the pas processes, business circles often say "If Bakûr (North) wins, all Kurdistan wins. Our eyes and ears are on you, we hope this process will be succesful."   It is worth mentioning the warm attitude of Omid Khoshnav, the Governor of Hewlêr, and Shahnaz Ibrahim Ahmed, a member of the PUK Political Bureau, towards the delegation. Khoshnav took care not to leave the delegation alone during their visit to hewlêr. Shahnaz Ibrahim Ahmed welcomed the delegation very warmly.    MA / Azad Altay