No reassuring steps have been taken yet says Akın Birdal

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  • 12:04 16 January 2025
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IZMIR - Stating that all segments of society should take steps to solve the Kurdish issue, İHD Honorary President Akın Birdal said that the government has not yet taken steps that would inspire confidence in the solution. 

Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) MPs Pervin Buldan and Sırrı Süreyya Önder met with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan on December 28. After the meeting, Öcalan's 7-point message for the solution of the Kurdish issue was made public. The discussions on Öcalan's solution messages and the Kurdish issue continue. Akın Birdal, Honorary President of the Human Rights Association (İHD) and one of the intellectuals who signed a joint text for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, peace and democracy building in Istanbul on December 14, evaluated the discussions on the Kurdish issue. 
Birdal said that during the so-called "solution process" launced in 2013, no concrete steps were taken to solve the Kurdish issue through democratic means. Saying that the process was wasted. "As intellectuals and writers, with the text we signed in Istanbul, we first called for the developments for the solution of this problem not to be interrupted, for this problem to be named correctly, for the developments to be socialized and for a road map to be determined. Our call was immediately answered with 1,146 signatures. In the coming days, this call will be given a name and a road map will be determined. Then a delegation will be appointed and this delegation will meet with the Speaker of Parliament, the DEM Party and finally political parties and civil society organizations. Regional conferences will be held in cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana. The projections of these conferences will be made and the initiative will be given to those localities and they will try to reach every level of society,” Birdal said.  
Commenting on the talks with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Birdal said that the talks should not be interrupted and should continue. Birdal said, “Democracy and peace cannot be achieved without lifting isolation. In other words, there must be an intention. The two meetings with Öcalan are very important. After the visit of the İmralı delegation, Öcalan's emphasis on the brotherhood of the Turkish and Kurdish peoples is very important. With this message, he explains that peace will benefit everyone."
Birdal said that the visits of the İmralı delegation to the parties in the parliament after the talks and the statements made after these visits were also valuable and added, “At the moment, the parties are not making more statements. Because there is still a lack of information about the road map. I hope that talks with Abdullah Öcalan will continue in the coming days. If the talks take place, a way will be opened. The Kurdish issue is not only the issue of the Kurdish people, it is the issue of the peoples of Turkey and the region, even the world. For this reason, everyone needs to take matters into their own hands. Everyone should feel responsible to ensure that the peace talks are not interrupted.” 
Giving examples from peace talks around the world, Birdal pointed out that concrete steps should now be taken following the talks with İmralı and said “What needs to be done now is to draw up a road map. There are things to be done in the short, medium and long term. The Saturday Mothers, truth and justice seekers, are still throwing carnations over the police barricades. For example, among the things to be done in the short term, the barricades in front of the Saturday Mothers can be removed.  Look, this is also a step. The co-mayors of the municipalities to whom trustees were appointed should be reinstated. Such steps feed the process. A general amnesty should be issued for social peace, except for those who have committed crimes against humanity. Political prisoners and ill prisoners are at the top of this amnesty list. We are now waiting for steps to be taken. But so far, no steps have been taken to give confidence and nourish the process.”

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