Mandatory participation to the voluntary campaign! 2020-04-01 14:47:56   ANKARA - The donation campaign initiated by AKP's President Tayyip Erdoğan is now imposed on people in the public sector. The public enterprises are sending texts to their employees for donation. People reacted to the texts, saying 'There is no such thing as a compulsory donation'.   The text messages were sent to the employees of the Supreme Court, General Directorate of Foundations, Ministry of Education and Pipelines and Petrol Transport A.Ş. (BOTAŞ) and the conditions to participate in the campaign was sent with the text.   SUPREME COURT DETERMINED THE AMOUNT OF THE DONATION   With the letter sent to the employees signed by the President of the Supreme Court, Mehmet Akarca, it was announced that they would participate in the donation campaign institutionally. The article states that the lower limit determined for the members of the Supreme Court, prosecutors and judges is a thousand liras while the lower limit to be donated by the personnel will be a hundred liras.  The personnel were asked to make payments to the IBAN number given in the attached document until 20 April.     Union of Judges reacted to the donation and tweeted 'There is no such thing as a compulsory donation. Its name would not be a donation even if it's asked. Making donations is a voluntary thing, and the amount is determined by the donor."   THE LIST OF DONATIONS ON THE INTERNET   Ministry of National Education (MEB) asked the school principals, administrators of provincial and district national education departments and the teachers to participate in the donation campaign. A manager from Provincial Directorate of National Education sent a message to the administrators of schools and said: "The principal of all our schools and institutions will be sending messages to our teachers and our parents and keep participation at a high level. The amount of the money donated will be sent to me via whatsapp every Friday, with a list of the schools and the institutions donating that money. Our private courses are also expected to participate."   The names of the department heads, general managers, branch directors, provincial and district directors, school administrators and the amount of money they donated are published and updated in   BOTAŞ also sent a message to its employers and said: "In scope of the National Solidarity Campaign, a spesific amount will be cut from our employees April salary."