Budget expo from HDP: War and extravagancy budget 2019-12-06 13:32:54 ANKARA- Commentary on the opposition to the 2020 Central Government Budget, the HDP proposed a Third Way policy for the change and transformation of this situation, drawing attention to the fact that it imposed new taxes on the budget, did not meet the social demands, and increased the defense expenses and extravagancy. The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) annotated the Parliamentary Plan and Budget Commission adopted by the 2020 Central Government Budget Law.   3 DYNAMICS THROWING THE ECONOMY INTO CRISIS   The three dynamics throwing the economy into crisis were described as: "Ending the conflict free process and returning to the concept of war regarding the Kurdish question and the war policies in Syria triggered crisis through its effects on the budget and the general economy. The political crisis and the state of emergency that led to the collapse of the FETÖ-AKP alliance led to capital outflows, a loss of confidence in the economy and a halt to investments. ”   The political dimension of the economy were also mentioned in the annotation. The commentary stated that the lack of solution to the Kurdish problem deepened the political dimension of the crisis and it was emphasized that with the end of the conflict-free process, a significant increase in defense spenditure arised. In the annotation it was emphasized that an invisible increase occured in the war expenditures and continued: "While the share allocated to domestic and foreign security expenditures from the Central Government Budget was 64 billion TL in 2017, this amount exceeded 84.5 billion TL in 2018. There is also a significant increase in invisible security expenditure items. Defense Industry Support Fund, which is a non-audit resource where approximately 10 percent of military expenditures are met, started to be allocated 18 percent from motor vehicle tax, 25 percent from inheritance tax and 6 percent from income tax. The total amount allocated for military expenditures amounts to TL 249 billion and therefore approximately 24 percent of the budget."   POLICE STATE INCREASES EXPENDITURES   Commenting that the authoritarianization process constitutes a heavy cost to the budget in defense and security expenditures, it was evaluated as the 'increase in police state expenditures  with the increase in the budget of Ministry of Interior and affiliated institutions'.   Otoriterleşme sürecinin savunma ve güvenlik harcamalarında bütçeye ağır bir maliyet oluşturduğunun belirtildiği şerhte, İçişleri ve bağlı kurumların bütçelerindeki artış ile “polis devleti harcamalarının artması” olarak değerlendirildi.   'PEOPLES PAYING FOR SYRIAN NATIONAL ARMY'   The annotation pointed out that the downsizing economy of Turkey is being tried to be salvaged by expansionist policies in Syria and Irak and by war and rant it was stated that pro-government construction companies are looking for new projects with the 'safe zone' imposition of Turkey. It was also stated that the expenses of Syrian National Army being used in Turkey's attacks against North and East Syria is paid by the peoples. The annotation added the fact that the cost of these gang members is 500 dolars per man and the general cost is 60 million dolars in a month.   ‘THE PALACE WASTES THE PUBLIC RESOURCES’   In the annotation which states that the economic crisis deepens in Turkey due to the extravagancy in the Presidential Palace, it was emphasized that the AKP government is turning to vanity and gimmickry in the name of 'reputation'. Annotation adds: "Millions of liras are spent under the name of luxury armored authority vehicles, summer-winter palaces, flying palaces, representation and promotions. These expenditures put a significant burden on the budget and deepen the crisis. The palace wastes public resources. The palace is the center of the waste with its 250 rooms that cost millions of dolars.Presidency's expenses increased 160 percent in 2018 compared to the previous year.   'THE ALTERNATIVE OF THE PEOPLE IS THE THIRD PATH'   The annotation emphasized HDP's radical democracy idea has been  turned into a third path, 'Reading the developments both internationally and domestically in a right way and using democracy, law and values of freedom for the solution is the third way. The trivets of the third path was stated as: "Democratic nation, equal citizenship, democratic republic, democratic confedaralism (Political peace in the middle east), economic peace (production), equal and fair distribution, parliamentary system strengthened by local democracy (Democratic Constitution), radical democracy are the essentials of the third path."