Grandson of Shiekh Said: The greatest devotion is to resist against the attacks 2019-10-19 10:53:51   ERZURUM - Shiekh Said's grandson Bedri Fırat who says the fact that the North and East Syria operation started with a conquest prayer resembles Saddam's 'Enfal Operation', said: "The greatest devotion and the greatest religious service is to resist agains the attacks" and recommended that the Kurdish National Congress should be assembled as soon as possible.   Another reaction to Turkey that paused their attack against North and East Syria as a result of the agreement with USA came from Shiekh Said's grandson Bedri Fırat. Fırat reacting to the fact that conquest prayers have been announced from the mosques the day the operation began, said: "Saddam Huseyin started the Enfal Operation, which was named after a sura in Quran in 1986i which turned into the massacre of the Kurds and hundreds of thousands of Kurds were murdered. Now the suras in Quran are used as a tool for the massacre of Kurds again."   Reminding that the actions of AKP President and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan were also in the history of the Mongols, Fırat said: "When a Kurd demands a right, he is either killed or imprisoned. It leads to the breaking of the Islamic faith. The greatest worship that can be done should be to rebel against this persecution. All of the Kurds in all 4 pieces should remember this."