Attorneys are on the way to İmralı to meet with Öcalan 2019-05-22 11:11:44 İSTANBUL - Rezan Sarıca and Newroz Uysal, attorneys of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan are on the way to the İmralı Island to visit Öcalan. Rezan Sarıca and Newroz Uysal, attorneys of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan are on the way to the İmralı Island to visit their client Abdullah Öcalan. Bursa Chief Prosecutor's Office replied the application in the affirmative. Upon the affirmative reply the attorneys got on the way to Gemlik to go to İmralı.     Attorneys went to İmralı on May 2 last time.     İSTANBUL - PKK Lideri Abdullah Öcalan'ın avukatları Rezan Sarıca ve Newroz Uysal bu sabah İmralı'ya hareket etti.