Deposition under oppression and torture in URFA Counter- Terrorism Unit 2019-05-21 14:16:58 URFA - After the conflict in Halfeti, dozens of people who were taken into custody and  tortured in the police station were forced to sign a statement.   11 people were detained in the districts of Halfeti and Bozova after the clash in which 2 police officers were killed and 2 police officers were wounded ain the  Dergili District of Urfa province Halfeti.The citizens under custody were forced to sign the statements prepared by the police.     'PEOPLE ARE DEPOSED UNDER TORTURE'   Mehmet Alakuş, one of the Alakuş family members who had been taken into custody, said that his uncle and all the people in the village helped the organization. Attorneys who interviewed him stated that there were indications of serious torture in his body and that he was threatened with his wife. It was also reported that Alakuş was in no shape to even speak and that he was so scared due to the torture, he said he wasn't tortured.   TORTURE CONTINUES     According to the information, after the torture reflecting in the press, the amount of torture dicreased but it still continues.More detained people are brought to the police station every day amd the attorneys are not informed by the police how many people are in custody. Reportedly, many people are still under custody in Counter Terrorism Unit and the police station and they are still being tortured. The lawyers who stated that public pressure should increase further in order to end the torture, said that torture is a crime against humanity and that anyone who commits this crime will account for it sooner or later.   Intensive security measures were taken around the courthouse before the detainees were brought to court. Anyone waiting in the courthouse yard was taken out of the yard including lawyers. While no one was allowed to take pictures and photos, some of the citizens who wished to take photographs, were warned by the police.