Intervention against prisoners for listening to Kurdish 2024-02-21 13:49:18   ŞIRNEX - Prisoner Celal Inedi in Afyonkarahisar Type T Prison said: "Our radio is being interfered with because we listen to Kurdish. Our Kurdish letters are being confiscated."   Celal Inedi, who was arrested on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization" and "disrupting the unity and integrity of the country" after being arrested during the curfew declared in 2015 in the Cizîr (Cizre) district of Şirnex, has been in prison for 9 years. Inedi, who is held in Afyonkarahisar Bolvadin Type T Closed Prison, talked about the rights violations they experienced in his weekly phone call with her family.   'PRISONERS IN SINGLE CELLS'   Stating that the prisoners on hunger strike are put in solitary cells, Inedi said: "There are a lot of problems here. They do not allow any activities. We are under isolation. The aim is to break our will and cut off our communication with our friends."   Inedi listed the following violations: "A few days ago, they intervened in our radio, saying, 'You are listening to Kurdish songs, do not turn on Kurdish songs.' We complained about this situation. This is an attack on our language. They tell us, 'Do not listen to Kurdish songs and Kurdish news.' Meals are served some days. There are many ill prisoners. Our friends Azad and Cevat, who are with us, are ill. In addition, some of our friends are not released even though their sentences are over. Cevat's sentence has been extended for 2 years. The reasons for extending the sentences are given as 'not participating in activities'. However, there is no activity other than football. They do not treat ill prisoners. When they take them to the hospital, they force oral searches by saying 'open your mouth'. The Kurdish letters we send and receive are confiscated. Again, they claim 'there is no translator, that's why we don't give them' as the reason."   CALL TO STRUGGLE   Inedi emphasized that the problems they experience are related to the unresolved Kurdish issue. Inedi said: "We will continue our struggle until the isolation is abolished. We will not stop until the Kurdish issue is solved. No one can break our will. The people of Turkey will not be free until the Kurds are free."