Not been releases for a year due to 'low life principle' 2024-02-20 16:56:48   URFA - Sinan Sütpak, a 31-year prisoner who should have been released a year ago, is not released due to "low life principle".   Sinan Sütpak, who was arrested on May 3, 1993 in the Curnê Reş (Hilvan) district of Riha (Urfa) and sentenced to life imprisonment in the case filed against him, is not released even though he has completed his execution. After his arrest, Sütpak was sent to Riha, Semsûr, Bursa, Mereş and finally Yozgat Prison. Sütpak's execution was completed on May 3, 2023, but his release was postponed for 3 months in line with the "not well behaved" report of the Prison Administration and Observation Board. Sütpak, whose release was blocked for 3 months each in August and October for the same reason, was expected to be released today. The prison prevented his release for the fourth time on the grounds that he was "not well behaved".   JUSTIFICATION: HE WAS NOT A CONFESSIONER   The new reason for postponement of release for Sütpak, whose release was blocked due to copy-paste reasons are: "His life principle is low in case he was released from prison, he did not cut off his connection with the organization after going to prison, he was not a confessor, he did not give up his radical thoughts, he did not openly describe the organization as a 'terrorist organization', he did not express any regret and tendent to commit crime".