Artists: The Kurdish issue must be solved for social peace 2024-02-20 11:02:40   MERSİN - Artists Ali Sesal and Ramazan Veliecelioğlu, one of the signatories of the "Let's Be a Voice for Peace" declaration, emphasized that the Kurdish issue must be solved as a priority to ensure social peace in the new century of the republic.   571 names from the literature and art world, including writers, directors, musicians, art critics, actors, painters, dengbêj and academics, announced a declaration titled "Let's Be a Voice for Peace" in Amed and Istanbul on January 7. In the declaration, a call was made to the government to solve the Kurdish issue, abolish the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and ensure social peace. Although a long time has passed, the calls of the artists have not been responded to by the government, while initiatives and calls from different circles continue in line with the same demands. Theater artists Ali Sesal and Ramazan Veliecelioğlu, who are among the signatories of the declaration, emphasized that the Kurdish issue must be resolved in the new century.   THE SECOND CENTURY AND THE KURDISH PROBLEM   Theater artist Ali Sesal emphasized that the call for social peace is a situation that concerns everyone. Sesal stated that the political, economic and ecological problems in the country are gradually deepening due to the lack of social peace. Pointing out that the government has turned into an authoritarian regime, Sesal stated that they issued a declaration to say "stop" to this trend. Emphasizing that social peace must be achieved in the new century of the Republic, Sesal emphasized that the current problems can only be possible with the solution of the Kurdish issue.   THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL PEACE   Sesal said: "Not solving this issue means not solving all the issues in the country. The addressee of this problem is the state and the leader of the Kurds, Abdullah Ocalan." Referring to the process between 2013 and 2015, Sesal said: "This dialogue process somehow ended. Because of the end of the process, we cannot build a democratic, secular, populist and liberal country in the new century. In order for this construction to take place, the solution process must be re-opened as soon as possible.” Noting that the governments have been building their existence on the Kurdish issue for many years, Sesal said: "They can solve it if they want. Since the Kurdish issue cannot be overcome, other issues cannot be overcome either."   Stating that the isolation must be abolished and the prisons must be emptied in order to solve the Kurdish issue, Sesal noted that the people of Turkey need peace. Sesal said:  "An artist is the one who holds a mirror to society. It is our duty to build social peace. So, we need to hold this mirror."   'THE DECLARATION MUST BE SUPPORTED'   Theater artist Ramazan Veliecelioğlu stated that many issues will disappear with the solution of the Kurdish issue. Emphasizing the need to return to the dialogue and negotiation process to solve the Kurdish issue in order to ensure social peace, Veliecelioğlu said that war and conflict policies cannot bring any benefit to the people. Veliecelioğlu said: “For a livable Turkey, social peace must be ensured, the Kurdish issue must be solved. If this issue is solved, all issues in the country will be easily solved. Therefore, all circles must voice this declaration."   MA / Ergin Çağlar